We have seen that the benefits of STEM and STEAM education are significant in inspiring students to think broadly and solve problems with a hands-on approach on our STEM link. They cultivate meaningful, 21 Century learning and enable and empower students through collaborative exploration and real-world problems.
* Fosters ingenuity, creativity and leads to new ideas and innovations:
STREAMS introduces the Creative and Performing Arts in a more holistic way to foster and further enhance a more Mindful, Meaningful, Collaborative and Transformative ingenuity and creativity.
* Builds resilience:
STREAMS adds a more purposeful Mindful, Meaningful and inner, contemplative resilience and flexibility.
STREAMS empowers a deeper awareness and a more Sustainable discovery of oneself as a holistic human being in the ever evolving worlds of AI, XR, VR and R+ (Extended/Augmented/Collaborative/ Web-Based/ Fully and Non-Immersive Reality).
* Encourages Empathetic teamwork & Collaboration:
STREAMS explores teamwork and collaboration in more creatively virtual and transformative ways beyond just a scientific process of ;facts, hypotheses, laws, and theories.
* Motivates meaningful knowledge coNstruction & application:
STREAMS boosts the capacity to take Reading and R+, XR, VR and AI to new levels of transformation in Learning, Unlearning and Re-Learning.
* Entices, Enables and Empowers iTech & Emerging Digital and Green technologies' use:
STREAMS explores ever-evolving changes surrounding 21 Century "Reading Skills" towards a digital, social, visual and empathetic literacy surrounding AI, AR, VR, R+ & XR.
*Teaches sustainable problem solving:
STREAMS challenges the learner to also seek out more Sustainable and Holistic solutions and symbioses in more creative, innovative and transformative ways.
* Stimulates holistic Digital and Green adaptation:
STREAMS inspires the learner to adapt in more Artistic, Mindful and Meaningful ways acknowledging that Scientific processes and Beyond, are inextricably entwined with all of humanity.